
Chakra: Crown

Affirmation: I know _____

Benefits: Focus, Clarity, motivation

Zodiac: Pisces

This stone is of the quartz variety and presents in all shades of purple. The purple shades come from manganese in the clear quartz, which can also be found within our bodies assisting with bone formation and density. It is known to aid in carbohydrate metabolism and glucose level management (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National institues of Health).

Now why are you telling me about the benefits of manganese in my body? Am I supposed to eat the amethyst?

Great question?… But No.

It is about the connection that our bodies have with this crystal and how we can start to understand the vibrational connection we have with the elements around us. The same way we find ourselves connected to people in our lives, the same way those people can bring new energies into our world by just being who they are, is the same way we can find connection with Crystals. For me, I like to explore the balance of the science that we know with the science that we don’t. After all, “Magic is just science we don’t understand yet.” -Arthur C. Clarke

Now back to Amethyst.

For centuries Amethyst has been revered for not only it’s beauty, but for its healing benefits as well. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that if this crystal was placed on their goblets the wine they were drinking wouldn’t get them drunk. I mean… it’s a nice thought? I guess, but if wine isn’t wining then what are we really doing here?

This stone is said to help sooth your mind and emotions. It is often used by all types of light workers for its intuitive, and spiritually restoring properties.

I find that this stone helps sift through the mind chatter and negative thoughts, allowing you to open your mind to new possibilities.

If you already have this stone then take a moment to hold it.

Close your eyes and say to yourself: I know my light shines bright. I know my power is within and it motivates me to move forward.